5 research outputs found

    The digital evolution of art: current trends in the context of the formation and development of metamodernism

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    The involvement of gadgets and digital technologies is becoming an increasingly integral part of everyone's personal life and work life. Art has also adapted to the rapid digital evolution and computerization in all creative fields. This trajectory of development provokes a new form and philosophy of artistic development, which is called metamodern. This article examines the theoretical foundations of metamodernism and defines the main provisions of this cultural phenomenon through the prism of the development of digital technologies and the latest means of artistic direction. The main purpose of this research work is the study and in-depth analysis of the formation and development of metamodernist intentions in the modern cultural environment and the definition of the conceptual content of metamodern art. Also, the author of the article determined the purpose of distinguishing metamodernism because of the differences in its essential characteristics from the characteristics of modernism and postmodernism. The methodological approach of the research is the search and theoretical analysis of Ukrainian and foreign sources aimed at studying the phenomenon of metamodernism in view of the digital evolution of art. The author of this article used the method of analysis, cultural-historical, descriptive, comparative and theoretical-literary methods of research. As a result of scientific research, the formation and development of digital art and metamodern art were analyzed. The author also tried to identify the nearest trends in the development of the philosophy of metamodernism in the Ukrainian artistic field


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    Background. Irisin is a recently discovered protein involved in energy homeostasis and glucose metabolism, and is potentially involved in atherosclerosis, obesity, and cardiovascular diseases. The aim of the study was to investigate the irisin effect on microalbuminuria in obese patients with coronary artery disease (CAD). Methods. Sixty-four adult subjects with CAD combined with obesity (59.38% of males), mean age 59.43±10.29 years, were enrolled in the study. Control group included 30 sex- and age-matched subjects. Obese patients with CAD were divided into two groups: group 1 (n=31) without microalbuminuria, and group 2 (n=33) with microalbuminuria. The urine albumin to creatinine ratio (ACR, range 30-300 mL/ mg) indicated microalbuminuria. Specifi c enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was used for serum irisin measurement. Results. Serum irisin concentrations were signifi cantly different in obese CAD patients with microalbuminuria 121.05 (103.07-133.19) ng/mL and those without it 130.21 (125.21-140.03) ng/mL compared to the control group 147.92 (139.04-172.55) ng/mL (p<0.001), and irisin level was signifi cantly lower in patients with microalbuminuria in comparison with normoalbuminuria (p=0.042). Univariate logistic regression analyses showed irisin to signifi cantly infl uence microalbuminuria (OR: 0.788, 95% CI 0.589-0.967, p=0.011). Multivariable logistic regression analyses revealed that serum irisin remained a signifi cant predictor of microalbuminuria (OR: 0.857, 95% CI 0.561-0.988, p=0.044). Conclusions. Lower irisin levels are an independent predictor of microalbuminuria in patients with CAD combined with obesity. Additional larger longitudinal studies are needed to confirm these findings.Pozadina: Irisin je nedavno otkriveni protein koji sudjeluje u energetskoj homeostazi i metabolizmu glukoze i potencijalno je uključen u aterosklerozu, pretilost, kardiovaskularne bolesti. Cilj studije bio je istražiti učinak irisina na mikroalbuminuriju u pretilih bolesnika s ishemijskom bolesti srca (IBS). Uzorak i metode: 64 odrasla ispitanika s koronarnom bolešću u kombinaciji s pretilošću (59,38 % muškaraca), prosječne dobi 59,43±10,29 godina; 30 ispitanika sastojalo se od kontrola usklađenih po spolu, dobi. Pregledani pretili bolesnici s IBS-om podijeljeni su u dvije skupine. Prva skupina (n=31) bila je bez mikroalbuminurije, a u drugoj su skupini (n=33) bili bolesnici s mikroalbuminurijom. Omjer albumina i kreatinina u mokraći (ACR u rasponu od 30-300 mL/mg) bio je pokazatelj mikroalbuminurije. Za mjerenje irisina u serumu korišten je enzimski imunosorbentni test. Rezultati: Utvrđeno je da se koncentracije irisina u serumu značajno razlikuju u pretilih bolesnika s IBS s mikroalbuminurijom 121.05 (103,07-133,19) ng/mL i bez mikroalbuminurije 130,21 (125,21-140,03) ng/mL u usporedbi s kontrolnom skupinom 147,92 (139,04-172,55) ng/mL, p<0,001, a razina irisina značajno je smanjena u bolesnika s mikroalbuminurijom u usporedbi s normoalbuminurijom, p=0,042. Univarijatne logističke regresijske analize pokazale su da je irisin značajno utjecao na mikroalbuminuriju (OR: 0,788, 95 % CI 0,589-0,967, p=0,011). Više varijabilne logističke regresijske analize otkrile su da je irisin u serumu ostao značajan prediktor mikroalbuminurije (OR: 0,857, 95 % CI 0,561-0,988, p=0,044). Zaključak: Niže razine irisina neovisni su prediktor mikroalbuminurije u bolesnika s koronarnom bolešću u kombinaciji s pretilošću, ali potrebne su daljnje veće longitudinalne studije kako bi se potvrdili ti nalazi


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    Background. Irisin is a recently discovered protein involved in energy homeostasis and glucose metabolism, and is potentially involved in atherosclerosis, obesity, and cardiovascular diseases. The aim of the study was to investigate the irisin effect on microalbuminuria in obese patients with coronary artery disease (CAD). Methods. Sixty-four adult subjects with CAD combined with obesity (59.38% of males), mean age 59.43±10.29 years, were enrolled in the study. Control group included 30 sex- and age-matched subjects. Obese patients with CAD were divided into two groups: group 1 (n=31) without microalbuminuria, and group 2 (n=33) with microalbuminuria. The urine albumin to creatinine ratio (ACR, range 30-300 mL/ mg) indicated microalbuminuria. Specifi c enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was used for serum irisin measurement. Results. Serum irisin concentrations were signifi cantly different in obese CAD patients with microalbuminuria 121.05 (103.07-133.19) ng/mL and those without it 130.21 (125.21-140.03) ng/mL compared to the control group 147.92 (139.04-172.55) ng/mL (p<0.001), and irisin level was signifi cantly lower in patients with microalbuminuria in comparison with normoalbuminuria (p=0.042). Univariate logistic regression analyses showed irisin to signifi cantly infl uence microalbuminuria (OR: 0.788, 95% CI 0.589-0.967, p=0.011). Multivariable logistic regression analyses revealed that serum irisin remained a signifi cant predictor of microalbuminuria (OR: 0.857, 95% CI 0.561-0.988, p=0.044). Conclusions. Lower irisin levels are an independent predictor of microalbuminuria in patients with CAD combined with obesity. Additional larger longitudinal studies are needed to confirm these findings.Pozadina: Irisin je nedavno otkriveni protein koji sudjeluje u energetskoj homeostazi i metabolizmu glukoze i potencijalno je uključen u aterosklerozu, pretilost, kardiovaskularne bolesti. Cilj studije bio je istražiti učinak irisina na mikroalbuminuriju u pretilih bolesnika s ishemijskom bolesti srca (IBS). Uzorak i metode: 64 odrasla ispitanika s koronarnom bolešću u kombinaciji s pretilošću (59,38 % muškaraca), prosječne dobi 59,43±10,29 godina; 30 ispitanika sastojalo se od kontrola usklađenih po spolu, dobi. Pregledani pretili bolesnici s IBS-om podijeljeni su u dvije skupine. Prva skupina (n=31) bila je bez mikroalbuminurije, a u drugoj su skupini (n=33) bili bolesnici s mikroalbuminurijom. Omjer albumina i kreatinina u mokraći (ACR u rasponu od 30-300 mL/mg) bio je pokazatelj mikroalbuminurije. Za mjerenje irisina u serumu korišten je enzimski imunosorbentni test. Rezultati: Utvrđeno je da se koncentracije irisina u serumu značajno razlikuju u pretilih bolesnika s IBS s mikroalbuminurijom 121.05 (103,07-133,19) ng/mL i bez mikroalbuminurije 130,21 (125,21-140,03) ng/mL u usporedbi s kontrolnom skupinom 147,92 (139,04-172,55) ng/mL, p<0,001, a razina irisina značajno je smanjena u bolesnika s mikroalbuminurijom u usporedbi s normoalbuminurijom, p=0,042. Univarijatne logističke regresijske analize pokazale su da je irisin značajno utjecao na mikroalbuminuriju (OR: 0,788, 95 % CI 0,589-0,967, p=0,011). Više varijabilne logističke regresijske analize otkrile su da je irisin u serumu ostao značajan prediktor mikroalbuminurije (OR: 0,857, 95 % CI 0,561-0,988, p=0,044). Zaključak: Niže razine irisina neovisni su prediktor mikroalbuminurije u bolesnika s koronarnom bolešću u kombinaciji s pretilošću, ali potrebne su daljnje veće longitudinalne studije kako bi se potvrdili ti nalazi

    Информационная система оценки рисков бизнес-процессов предприятия

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    В роботі обґрунтовано доцільність формування та впровадження комплексної інформаційної системи оцінки ризиків бізнес-процесів на підприємстві. Запропонована інформаційна система оцінки ризиків бізнес-процесів підприємства базується на конвергенції системного підходу, концепції управління ризиками, процесного підходу до управління підприємством. Впровадження цієї інформаційної системи забезпечить постійну ідентифікацію ризиків бізнес-процесів, їх оцінку та створить можливості протистояти ризикам при прийнятті управлінських рішень. Доведено, що інформаційна система оцінки ризиків бізнес-процесів є найважливішою частиною ризик-менеджменту, завдяки якій можна своєчасно та повно визначити значення показників, які відслідковуються. Крім того, ця система дозволяє відстежувати тенденції розвитку бізнес-процесів у короткостроковій перспективі, і, як наслідок, своєчасно вживати управлінські коригувальні дії, спрямовані на досягнення стратегічних цілей.The paper substantiates the feasibility of forming and implementing a comprehensive information system for assessing the risks of business processes at the enterprise. The information system for assessing the risks of business processes of the enterprise, which is proposed here, is based on the convergence of the systemic approach, the concept of risk management, the process approach to the management of the enterprise. Implementation of this information system will ensure permanent identification of risks of business processes, their assessment and create opportunities to resist risks when making managerial decisions. It has been proven that the information system for assessing the risks of business processes is the most important part of risk management, thanks to which it is possible to timely and fully determine the values of the indicators that are tracked. In addition, this system allows you to trace the trends in the development of business processes in the short term, and, as a result, take timely managerial corrective actions aimed at achieving the strategic goals.В работе обоснована целесообразность формирования и внедрения комплексной информационной системы оценки рисков бизнес-процессов на предприятии. Предложенная информационная система оценки рисков бизнес-процессов предприятия базируется на конвергенции системного подхода, концепции управления рисками, процессного подхода к управлению предприятием. Внедрение этой информационной системы обеспечит постоянную идентификацию бизнес-процессов, их оценку и создаст возможности противостоять рискам при принятии управленческих решений. Доказано, что информационная система оценки рисков бизнес-процессов является важнейшей частью риск-менеджмента, благодаря которой можно своевременно и полно определить значения отслеживаемых показателей. Кроме того, эта система позволяет отслеживать тенденции развития бизнес-процессов в краткосрочной перспективе и, как следствие, своевременно предпринимать управленческие корректирующие действия, направленные на достижение стратегических целей

    LTSER platforms as a place-based transdisciplinary research infrastructure: learning landscape approach through evaluation

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